Participate in Survey on DOAC Prescribing Patterns

Participate in Survey on DOAC Prescribing Patterns

The SSC Subcommittee on Predictive and Diagnostic Variables in Thrombotic Disease asks for collaboration to help better understand prescribing patterns for DOACs to prevent recurrent thrombosis. Scant literature on the practice patterns of providers regarding when, how and in whom to decrease DOACs in patients with history venous thromboembolic (VTE) who meet criteria for long term anticoagulation.

Please click here to participate and help us understand current medical practice. The survey will take less than five minutes to complete.

Your participation is anonymous; data are used in aggregate only; and while you will not get personal benefit from taking part in this survey, your responses will help us better understand current practice patterns. 

If you have any questions regarding the purpose of this study or the use of the data, you may contact the investigators at 

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