ISTH announces 2024 winners of Fundamental Research Career Development Awards

The recipients of the ISTH Fundamental Research Career Development 2024 Awards were announced today at the Congress.

The awards are targeted specifically to early career investigators who have demonstrated excellence in research. They aim to strengthen fundamental research by supporting innovative ideas of the next generation of scientists in the field by recognizing a high potential to develop independent research careers, and by fostering active commitment of early career investigators to the ISTH.

The award winners each receive an award of up to $50,000 USD for research in their respective category. Funds are used by applicants to support research, training and/or collaborations.

The award winners in this year’s award categories are as follows:

  • Non-canonical Interactions of the Hemostatic System: Stijn Agten, Ph.D.
    • Institution: Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, The Netherlands
    • Project title: “Coagulation meets calcification: Gla-diators as protectors of vascular integrity”
  • Fundamental Mechanisms of Hemostasis: Yohei Hisada, Ph.D.
    • Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (United States)
    • Project title: “The roles of the S100A10/annexin A2/tissue plasminogen activator and the urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor pathways in the activation of fibrinolysis and bleeding in a mouse model of acute promyelocytic leukemia” 
  • Fundamental Mechanisms of Hemostasis: Marie Hollenhorst, M.D., Ph.D.
    • Institution: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School (United States)
    • Project title: “Establishing the platelet-instrinsic mechanisms underlying the well-known epidemiologic association between ABO blood type and risk of bleeding and clotting”

The awards program was developed by the ISTH Basic Research Task Force under the purview of the Education Committee as a visible career development award mechanism for high-potential early career investigators.

Learn more about the Fundamental Research Career Development Awards here.

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