ISTH provides 298 Travel Awards to early career and Reach-the-World attendees

ISTH provides 298 Travel Awards to early career and Reach-the-World attendees

Each year, the ISTH Congress Scientific Committee rewards abstracts of outstanding quality and provides the submitting author with a Travel Award to attend the ISTH Congress. Three categories of Travel Award are distributed: Early Career Awards (165 awards), Reach-the-World Awards (104) and ISTH 2021 Philadelphia Congress Local Organizing Committee Legacy Fund Awards (29).​

The Early Career Awards are provided in the form of travel awards to those who meet the ISTH criteria for Early Career and submit a highly rated abstract. Travel Awards, consisting of $500 USD, are specifically intended to assist the presenting author with travel-related expenses who travel to the congress. In order to be considered for an Early Career Award, you must be the presenting author on an abstract submitted to the congress. 

The Reach-the-World Travel Awards are provided to clinicians and scientists from Reach-the-World countries. Travel awards for 2024 were between $500 and $2,000 USD, depending on location. They are specifically intended to assist the presenting author’s travel to and attendance at the Congress.

In partnership with the ISTH 2021 Congress Local Organizing Committee and Sriram Krishnaswamy, ISTH 2021 Congress Chair, the ISTH is offering a provisional travel award to early career/trainees from a training program in the United States who are traveling from the U.S. to the ISTH 2024 Congress in Bangkok to present an abstract. To be eligible for this award, attendees were required to provide a letter of proof of training status showing in the U.S. Each awardee receives $1,000 USD.

See below for a full list of awardees:

Early Career Awardees:

Rowena Brook, Australia Kato Ramaekers, Belgium
Aster Pijning, Australia Sara Zalghout, Belgium
Angela Huang, Australia Andreas Verstraete, Belgium
Ying Zhou, Australia Francesca Ferraresso, Canada
Mark Schreuder, Australia Daniel Tham, Canada
Mitchell Moon, Australia Nicole Morris, Canada
Emma Leitinger, Australia Adedamola Bello, Canada
Timothy Hoberstorfer, Austria Christopher Khoury, Canada
Cornelia Englisch, Austria Allen Li, Canada
Dino Mehic, Austria Joseph Shaw, Canada
Daniel Kraemmer, Austria Yingjie Zhang, China (People's Republic)
Theresa Schramm, Austria Yueying Li, China (People's Republic)
Daniel Steiner, Austria Shengqiang Pei, China (People's Republic)
Quintijn Bonnez, Belgium Zhenzhen Zhao, China (People's Republic)
Valérie Spalart, Belgium Linfeng Xi, China (People's Republic)
Haobo Li, China (People's Republic Maria Francesca Testa, Italy
Yang Li, China (People's Republic) Alessia Dei Rossi, Italy
Keyu Lv, China (People's Republic) Juri Alessandro Giannotta, Italy
Pengfei Xu, China (People's Republic) Samin Mohsenian, Italy
Hanchen Gao, China (People's Republic) Nicola Potere, Italy
Lili Zhang, China (People's Republic) Massimo Radin, Italy
Meijuan Xia, China (People's Republic) Irene Cecchi, Italy
Enhao Li, China (People's Republic) Tomoki Togashi, Japan
Geneviève McCluskey, France Adarsh Mohapatra, Netherlands
Emily Janus-Bell, France Judith Verlaan, Netherlands
Cecilia Marin Oyarzun, France Dionne Braeken, Netherlands
Charlotte Fauth, France Isabel Bär, Netherlands
Ophélie Bertin, France T. van Duijl, Netherlands
Claire Auditeau, France Tim Postmus, Netherlands
Jean Solarz, France Rachel Gehlen, Netherlands
Kim JOUFFROY, France Bauke Haisma, Netherlands
Katarzyna Derszniak, Germany Bryan Bouwens, Netherlands
Jayakumar Manoharan, Germany Vincent Lanting, Netherlands
Margret Droste, Germany Dieuwke Luijten, Netherlands
Silke Zimmermann, Germany Sabine van der Horst, Netherlands
Vincent Ten Cate, Germany Eleonora Camilleri, Netherlands
Khurrum Shahzad, Germany Vanessa Bröker, Netherlands
Martina Casari, Germany Ilja Oomen, Netherlands
Carlo Zaninetti, Germany Inge Luu, Netherlands
Gabriel Araujo, Germany Jamilla Goedegebuur, Netherlands
Nadja Paeslack, Germany Qingui Chen, Netherlands
Qi Luo, Germany Chantal Visser, Netherlands
Bastian Just, Germany Sophie Hordijk, Netherlands
Melina Fischer, Germany Remy Petersen, Netherlands
Ferdinand Kollotzek, Germany Melanie de Jong, Netherlands
Zoltan Nagy, Germany Denise Abbel, Netherlands
Annabelle Rosa, Germany Noori Guman, Netherlands
Ahmed Elwakiel, Germany Amica Ko, Netherlands
Jennifer Pott, Germany Dagmar van Mourik, Netherlands
Kristin Grunz, Germany Yvonne Jongejan, Netherlands
Stefano Navarro, Germany Stacey Haukeland-Parker, Norway
Alexandra Raska, Hungary Julia Peñas Martínez, Spain
Aisling Rehill, Ireland Ana Marín-Quilez, Spain
Ciara Byrne, Ireland María Eugenia de la Morena-Barrio, Spain
Ferdows Atiq, Ireland Laura Zapata Martínez, Spain
Gemma Leon, Ireland David Zaragoza Huesca, Spain
Omid Seidizadeh, Italy Juan José Rojo-Carrillo, Spain
Alessia Cucci, Italy Sonia Aguila, Spain
Julia Oto, Spain Emily Mihalko, United States
Raja Prince-Eladnani, Switzerland Shabbir Ansari, United States
Fatma Ustok, United Kingdom Yuanyi Xu, United States
Claire Whyte, United Kingdom Quan Zhang, United States
Gael Morrow, United Kingdom Ronit Kar, United States
Chiara Ramponi, United Kingdom Daniëlle Coenen, United States
Joanne Mitchell, United Kingdom Swati Sharma, United States
Michael Appiah, United Kingdom Frida Miranda, United States
Eman Hassan, United Kingdom Roberto Aiolfi, United States
Yu Shi, United Kingdom Tomasz Kaminski, United States
Golzar Mobayen, United Kingdom Veronica Bochenek, United States
Harriet Allan, United Kingdom Marie Hollenhorst, United States
Adela Constantinescu-Bercu, United Kingdom Rebecca Ramdhan, United States
Josepha Sedzro, United States Marisa Brake, United States
Woosuk Hur, United States Smita Joshi, United States
Szumam Liu, United States Hilary Whitworth, United States
Zhen Xu, United States Koenraad De Wispelaere, United States
Dillon Bohinc, United States Federico Germini, United States
Kadri Kangro, United States Matthew VanderPloeg, United States
Anh Ngo, United States Siobhan Branfield, United States/Zimbabwe
Michelle Castillo, United States Amrita Sarkar, United States
Meng-Ni Fan, United States  


Reach-the-World Awardees:

Paula Oneto, Argentina Jun Deng, China (People's Republic)
Carolina Cervio, Argentina Jia Chen, China (People's Republic)
Silvina Annetta, Argentina Songping Cui, China (People's Republic)
Mirta Schattner, Argentina Shijie Zhou, China (People's Republic)
JOSE CERESETTO, Argentina Yeling Lu, China (People's Republic)
Mohitosh Biswas, Bangladesh Xi Wu, China (People's Republic)
Iryna Dremuk, Belarus Song Hu, China (People's Republic)
Ekaterina Shamova, Belarus Yuan Xu, China (People's Republic)
LUCIANA Werneck Zuccherato, Brazil Yanyan Shao, China (People's Republic)
Margareth Ozelo, Brazil Kaiyuan Zhen, China (People's Republic)
Ricardo Camelo, Brazil Chuanbin Shen, China (People's Republic)
ROBERTO FONSECA, Brazil Liyang Zhou, China (People's Republic)
Mariana Sá Pereira, Brazil Ziqi Zhang, China (People's Republic)
Gabrielle Santos, Brazil Qi Feng, China (People's Republic)
Thaís Nóbrega, Brazil Nada Al-dardery, Egypt
Karina Borges, Brazil Magy Adelwahab, Egypt
Chao Fang, China (People's Republic) Tamrat Tadesse, Ethiopia
Aizhen Yang, China (People's Republic) Vandana Tiwari, India
Jingyao Ma, China (People's Republic) Sreya Baby, India
Jianlin Qiao, China (People's Republic) varun bafna, India
Xuemei Fan, China (People's Republic) Amit Sharma, India
Min Xin, China (People's Republic) Saurabh Bhargava, India
zhe lai, China (People's Republic) Himil Parikh, India
Zhanli Xie, China (People's Republic) SUBHOJIT PAUL, India
Zhangyin Ming, China (People's Republic) Sitalakshmi Subramanian, India
Yangkang Zheng, China (People's Republic) Susheel Chaurasia, India
Litao Zhang, China (People's Republic) Chitaranjan Mahapatra, India
ke Zhang, China (People's Republic) Kamila Muyasarah, Indonesia
Zhengping Li, China (People's Republic) Dimas Priantono, Indonesia
Lu Sun, China (People's Republic) Parham Sadeghipour, Iran
Huiyuan Li, China (People's Republic) Mohamadreza Bordbar, Iran
Mankai Ju, China (People's Republic) Peyman Eshghi, Iran
Rong Yan, China (People's Republic) Veena Selvaratnam, Malaysia
Jie Sun, China (People's Republic) LAILATULEMA ABBAS, Malaysia
Aijie Huang, China (People's Republic) Alejandro Gonzalez ochoa, Mexico
Fei Yang, China (People's Republic) Jose Aguilar, Mexico
Guanyu Liu, China (People's Republic) Emely Soriano, Mexico
Lingtao Chong, China (People's Republic) Luis Rubalcava, Mexico
Jingyi zhou, China (People's Republic) Tania Marisol Martinez Garcia, Mexico
Zhaoming Tang, China (People's Republic) Nadejda Diaconu, Moldova
Junwei Yuan, China (People's Republic) Mounia Ammara, Morocco
Juntao Ouyang, China (People's Republic) Theresa Nwagha, Nigeria
Nan Jiang, China (People's Republic) Durre Shehwar, Pakistan
Wenzhu Li, China (People's Republic) Romana Akbar, Pakistan
Jingkun Liu, China (People's Republic) Jayson Pasaol, Poland
Chihao Zhang, China (People's Republic) Popov Viola, Romania
Shuwen Wang, China (People's Republic) Martina Mia Mitic, Serbia
Jun Wan, China (People's Republic) Arisa Chuklin, Thailand
yingqiao zhu, China (People's Republic) ponthip mekchay, Thailand
Danyu Song, China (People's Republic) Nicha Saejung, Thailand
Jianbo Wu, China (People's Republic) Oleksii Korzh, Ukraine
Changming chen, China (People's Republic) Sherzod Abdullaev, Uzbekistan


ISTH 2021 Philadelphia Congress Local Organizing Committee Legacy Fund Awardees:

Suresh Kumar, United States Daniëlle Coenen, United States
Josepha Sedzro, United States Frida Miranda, United States
Woosuk Hur, United States Tomasz Kaminski, United States
Szumam Liu, United States Veronica Bochenek, United States
Zhen Xu, United States Chih-Jen Yang, United States
Dillon Bohinc, United States Anna Dahlgren, United States
Kadri Kangro, United States Rebecca Ramdhan, United States
Saravanan Subramaniam, United States Marisa Brake, United States
Yaping Zhang, United States Smita Joshi, United States
Anh Ngo, United States Siobhan Branfield, United States
Meng-Ni Fan, United States Ting-Yen Chao, United States
Shabbir Ansari, United States Matthew VanderPloeg, United States
Yuanyi Xu, United States Otto Thielen, United States
Quan Zhang, United States Rishabh Singh, United States
Ronit Kar, United States Amrita Sarkar, United States
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